Parent Share
Meets Thursday evenings 6-8 p.m. (except holidays)
Hope Presbyterian Church, 7132 Portland Avenue, Richfield, MN
This come-as-you-are group meets every Thursday to share insights, answer questions and offer information and ideas about children and adolescents. Participants come to make new friends and learn from those who have 'been there, done that'.

MOMs (Mentoring Other Mothers)
This mentorship group of "been there, done that" moms providing experience, strength and hope to new moms or moms who are needing support and new ideas.

A special group for Seniors. CAPES counselors provide friendship and a forum for seniors to help each other through shared experiences. (Call 612 388-8514 for information)

Veterans' Group
Creation of this program is underway- CAPES is partnering with the VFWs and Legions of Richfield to provide support for Veterans and their families. (Call 612 388-8514 for information)

The Village
After school program for middleschoolers and high school-aged kids offering help with homework and a positive social environment.

Using multi- disciplinary model, a team of CAPES counselors are available to work with families and individuals to overcome a variety of issues that confront people of almost any background.

Charlie Dauphin #8
This special fund has been established in memory of Tamara's late brother, Charlie Dauphin, to support young athletes with sports registration fees, equipment costs, and camps.